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The Blockchain Bundesverband was founded from the centre of the German blockchain community and represents the interests of all companies that want to try out and advance new business models and social development based on blockchain in Germany



The Blockchain Bundesverband was founded from the middle of the German blockchain community and represents the interests of all companies that want to try out and advance new business models and social development based on blockchain in Germany

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About Us

The Blockchain Bundesverband e.V. (“Bundesblock”) was founded in 2017 as a non-profit association for the promotion of blockchain technology. With more than 90 member companies and research institutions, the Bundesblock is the largest industry association in the field of blockchain technology in the DACH region. The prerequisite for membership is the promotion of the development and establishment of blockchain technology.

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Our Goals and What we Claim

  • The aim of Bundesblock is to establish blockchain as an official key technology, to bring Germany on a par with other countries and to ensure that funding programmes exist at an appropriate level.

  •  To this end, industry experts in the Bunesblock working groups deal with various regulatory issues surrounding the technology and seek exchange at the political and regulatory level. 

As part of our strategy, we formulated ten key claims, how blockchain technology should be used in different areas:

Read our Key Claims

"Germany is successfully applying digital, decentralized and cryptographically encrypted services. These blockchain and distributed ledger technologies form a fundamental part of the digital infrastructure. Due to excellent entrepreneurial, educational and regulatory frameworks, Germany is a global hub for expertise and practical know-how in these technologies."

"As a contact for society, business, politics, education & research and as the voice of the German blockchain community and technology users, our mission is to demand and promote the best possible conditions for distributed decentralised applications. In doing so, we stand for a neutral assessment of the technology and its possibilities, with the aim of making Germany a sustainable future location for distributed ledger technologies."

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  • As the largest blockchain-oriented industry association in the DACH region, we have a broad network of industry experts around DLT and Web3. The speaker list is intended to serve as an overview of who brings expertise in which areas.
  • Are you looking for a speaker for a Web3 event? Or can you offer your expertise for events yourself? Then take a look at our speaker list!

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More about the Experts

Since its inception, Bundesblock has excellently fulfilled the important role of advocate for the German blockchain industry.

Christoph Jentzsch, Bundesblock-Expert

Bundesblock is one of the most important platforms for the integration of blockchain technology into our daily business. On this platform, bridge building between industries, politics and society takes place. Therefore, I support this association with great pleasure and commitment.

Sarah Rentschler-Gerloff, Bundesblock-Expert

A broad and lasting market success of blockchain technology requires a clear and appropriate legal framework. This includes, above all, a coherent private law of tokens and tokenization.

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Omlor, Bundesblock-Expert

Together with Bundesblock, we advocate for fair and comprehensible regulations on the taxation of cryptoassets.

Werner Hoffmann, Bundesblock-Expert

As an expert in supply chain management and logistics at Fraunhofer IML, I am convinced that blockchain technology will trigger a revolution in these areas.

Michael Henke, Bundesblock-Expert
Bundesblock is the essential interest group for decentralized digital ecosystems in Germany. Secure DLT systems are the key to trustworthy digitization in Europe, as established by the EU, among others. I am therefore all the more pleased to support the Bundesblock with my expertise.
Steffen Schwalm, Bundesblock-Expert

The collaboration of industry experts and regulators at Bundesblock is providing decisive progress toward the goal of practical use of blockchain technology in Germany.

Maximilian Austerjost, Bundesblock-Expert

Bundesblock makes crucial contributions to shaping public and regulatory perceptions for blockchain as an infrastructure. In doing so, it gives Germany a substantial voice with which we can shape decisions globally at eye level and contribute to positive benefits in society.

Frank Hartmann, Bundesblock-Expert

Der Blockchain Bundesverband, der 2017 gegründet wurde, ist wirklich das Herzstück der deutschen Blockchain-Szene. Mit über neunzig Mitgliedern, einschließlich einiger richtig innovativer Start-ups und kluger Köpfe aus Recht und Finanzierung, hat er in der DACH-Region ordentlich Schwung reingebracht.

Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe, Bundesblock-Expert

Ein tiefes Verständnis der Blockchain-Technologie ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung für die internationale Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Deutschen Wirtschaft.

Prof. Dr. Fidelio Tata, Bundesblock-Expert

Im Bundesblock kann ich meine Leidenschaft für Blockchain mit meiner beruflichen Expertise verbinden. Die Arbeit an der Schnittstelle von Technik und Politik, gepaart mit dem Austausch mit Top-Experten  treibt mich an, die Wirtschaft nachhaltig zu verändern und gerechter zu gestalten.

Ricky Lamberty, Bundesblock-Expert

Der Bundesblock spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Etablierung Deutschlands als Innovationszentrum für Blockchain. Als Experte für nachhaltige Blockchain-Anwendungen betrachte ich die Technologie als robuste IT-Infrastruktur, die zur Förderung ökonomischer, ökologischer und sozialer Nachhaltigkeit beitragen kann und so zum Beispiel die Transition zu einer Circular Economy ermöglicht – sowohl in der deutschen Industrie als auch weltweit.

Dr. Moritz Böhmecke-Schwafert, Bundesblock-Expert
Der Bundesblock hält eine zentrale Rolle im deutschen Web3 Ökosystem. Die Förderung dieser spannenden Technologie ist wichtig, um im internationalen Wettbewerb zu bestehen und souverän zu bleiben. Es ist mir eine große Freude, dies mit meinem Wissen und Know-How zu unterstützen.
Simon Engel, Bundesblock-Expert

Ideen verweilen nicht; sie verlangen nach Handlung, Bildung und Engagement. Der Bundesblock kann eine integrale Rolle darin spielen, Deutschlands Relevanz in der Evolution der Finanzwirtschaft zu sichern. Es ist mir ein Privileg daran mitzuwirken, Transparenz, Interoperabilität und Effizienz zu ermöglichen!

Marcel Kaiser, Bundesblock-Expert

Our Working Groups

The working groups are one of the core elements of Bundesblock: The participating industry experts deal with different sub-areas of blockchain technology, e.g. DAOs, NFTs, DeFi or CBDCs. This results in policy recommendations, position papers or statements, but also events on the respective topic area.

More on the working groups


DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) are one of the potentially disruptive phenomena that web3 is producing. The WG at the Federal Block deals with legal issues of this new form of organization.

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Digital Euro

The WG follows current developments around the digital euro / CBDC and explores the question of what impact a digital euro would have on society and what role blockchain technology could play.

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The AG deals with current legal, technical and financial developments related to blockchain technology and its impact on the financial industry.

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NFT and Metaverse

The WG aims to develop information bases for policy makers and initiators of NFT projects. This should reduce uncertainties and strengthen Germany as a crypto/NFT location.

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Supply Chain

The WG deals with questions regarding the practical suitability and thus the practical limits of blockchain-based softwares for recording and processing supply chains.

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The WG deals with the changes in research and science due to blockchain technology, decentralization as well as Open Science, also in the context of sustainability.

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21. May 2025 bis 23. May 2025

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We are a platform for experts, host panels, write statements and position papers. As officially approved lobbying association we provide space for people and companies whose voice is influential in the industry, who are advancing technology and demonstrating excellence. Join us and let's grow together.

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