The German blockchain landscape is diverse
In addition to Bundesblock, a series of regional groups have formed, that support the blockchain and web3 scene on a local level. The associations and groups host local meet-ups and workshops, organise educational offers, network companies and are contact persons for blockchain enthusiasts.
The federal bloc has its own Slack channel for representatives of the regional groups (if you are interested, please write to and is happy to organise joint events.
If requested, we are happy to put you in touch with various initiatives. Among them are the following associations:

Blockchain Association Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
It is our concern to spread the understanding of this novel and versatile technology in society and to encourage people to engage with blockchain-based application areas. We want to get people excited about blockchain technology by sharing knowledge and creating an environment for interaction and networking!
BASH's offers (events, blockchain sessions, etc.) can be tested without obligation and, if you are interested, you can check the website to apply as a member. We look forward to seeing you!
- Regular events in Schleswig-Holstein (also in cooperation with other associations)
- Raound table format for members and interested parties in SH (mainly in Kiel)
- Weekly educational format ("Blockchain Sessions" and "Blockchain in the financial sector" as two digital, 10-week courses with external speakers, within which various facets of the blockchain are presented and are intended to enable newcomers in particular to get started with the topic).
- Working Groups (DeFi in particular)
Dr. Paul Plewa:
Chris Syring:
Tim Zölitz:
Berchain e.V. (Berlin)
We pursue our mission in particular through educational and networking events, workshops, roundtables, collaboration with strategic partners, social media and research projects.
Marta Dal Lago – Association Manager:
Hanseatic Blockchain Institute e.V.
To promote Hamburg's blockchain economy, we founded the Hanseatic Blockchain Institute in January 2019. It will bundle the interests of the various stakeholders in the future technology of blockchain, represent the interests of all members as a whole as a mouthpiece, and help Hamburg as a location for digitalisation to advance the technology and values of blockchain.
Tom Haverland – Community Manager:
BlockLAB Stuttgart e.V.
A high financial and industrial density, numerous medium-sized companies and a large number of research institutions make the Stuttgart region something special. This special feature is reflected in an ecosystem that is unique in Germany and focuses on use cases for blockchain technology. BlockLab e.V. is a non-profit blockchain community that, as a group of blockchain enthusiasts, has been promoting the anchoring of blockchain technology and the development of this ecosystem in Stuttgart since 2016. We create significance for blockchain technology in Stuttgart and further develop the ecosystem by:
- Initiating
- Communicating
- Coordinating
- Networking
Blockchain technology is characterised by the cooperation of different actors in decentralised networks. The advantages of these decentralised networks can already be used today. At blockLAB, we support this cooperation of regional actors and network them on a technical, organisational and personal level.
Programmes and offers:
- Hackathon
- BCT-Strategy Baden-Württemberg
- Blockchain STR Meetups
- Newsletter
- Regional group of Bundesblock
- Blockchain focus group
Jochen Kassberger:
Dominik Bepple:
Deniz Sarier:
Max Beyer: