Bundesblock Experts

The Experts Board is one of the organs of Bundesblock, as well as the Political Advisory Board, which supports us especially in technical issues.

The experts are people with special expertise in blockchain, DLT and/or Web3. They are characterised by many years of professional involvement in the blockchain community and a connection to the Bundesblock.

This includes, for example, founding members or former board members, people who chair one of our working groups or who are active in a regional initiative.

The application as an expert is possible as of now.

Application Form

Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner

Ehrenmitglied des Experts-Beirat

Philipp Sandner war Gründer des Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

Als solcher hat er sowohl den Blockchain Bundesverband als auch die deutschsprachige Blockchain-Industie maßgeblich geprägt. 

Zum Nachruf 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ittner

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences

  • Professor of Computer Science (Distributed Information Systems) at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
  • Director of the Blockchain Competence Center Mittweida (BCCM) at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences 
  • Member of the Digital Council of the Bundesbank and the State government of the Free State of Saxony

Anne-Sophie Gógl

Digital Euro Association

  • Board member of the Digital Euro Association, think tank focused on CBDC, stablecoins, crypto assets and other forms of digital money
  • Areas of focus: Digital Euro

Christoph Jentzsch

Founder, Corpus.ventures

  • Founding member of Bundesblock
  • Co-founder and CEO at corpus.ventures/ Tokenize.it, formerly Ethereum Foundation, TheDAO and Slock.it.
  • Areas of focus: DAOs, legal (enterprise tokenization), Web3 development.

Dr. Christoph Wronka

Director, Deloitte

  • Director in the Anti-Financial Crime Advisory Service Line and Head of the Blockchain, Digital Assets and Financial Crime Expert Group at Deloitte Germany.
  • Member of the Technical Expert Group on AML/CASPs of the European Banking Authority
  • Areas of focus: Money laundering prevention, compliance, financial management, digital assets, DeFi

Prof. Dr. Fidelio Tata

Inter­na­tio­nal School of Ma­na­ge­ment (Berlin)

  • Professor of Corporate Finance at the International School of Management (Berlin)
  • Executive experience in derivatives marketing, institutional sales, risk management, and global fixed-income research
  • Areas of focus: Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Digital Euro, Digital Assets Evaluation

Frank Hartmann

BCG Platinion

  • Senior Consultant bei BCG Platinion
  • Co-founder and advisor of several digital start-ups
  • Areas of focus: Science Supply Chain, NFT&Metaverse, Finance

Friederike Kleinfercher

Max Planck Digital Library

  • Deputy General Manager at Max Planck Digital Library
  • Initiator of bloxberg Blockchain
  • Co –Founder & CEO blxb labs GmbH
  • Area of focus: Science

Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe

Professor Strategy and Organization, TUM

  • Chair of Strategy and Organization at the Technical University of Munich, research on the digital transformation of companies.
  • Scientific Director of the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning (IHF)
  • Areas of focus: Dao, Healthcare, Legal, Science

Marcel Kaiser


  • CEO and Co-Founder of Defiria
  • Mentor in the DeFi Talents program
  • Forschungsbeiträge zum Thema DeFi
  • Schwerpunkte: DeFi, Institutionelle Adapiton, Web3 Risiken

Matthias Steger

Tax advisor

  • Managing Director Matthias Steger Consulting
    - Tax consulting company
  • Author and lecturer for the German Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors and tax advisor associations on crypto and taxes
  • Collaboration in the Working group taxes
  • Area of focus: Taxes

Dr. Maximilian Austerjost

Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), Dortmund

  • Team Leader for DLT Engineering & Management, "Purchasing and Finance in SCM" Department
  • Main focus: Application potentials of cooperative IT systems for supply chain management, logistics and production.

Prof. Dr. Michael Henke

Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), Dortmund

  • Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML
  • Holder of the chair for
    Corporate Logistics (LFO) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Dortmund University
  • Focus: Industry 4.0 and platform economy, supply chain management

Dr. Moritz Böhmecke-Schwafert

Technical University of Berlin

Ernst & Young

  • Postdoc and lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin
  • Manager at EY
  • Advisory services for the EU Commission and ministries on digital innovation in the public sector
  • Focus: Blockchain and sustainability, regulation digital innovations, decentralised finance (DeFi), digital identities, digital innovations in emerging markets, blockchain and global value chains

Oliver Christian Schroen

Tax advisor

  • Tax consultant in national and international tax law
  • Technical papers in DStR, NWB, BB
  • Guest lecturer and adjunct lecturer at Berlin universities
  • Since 2019 Co-Head of the Tax Working Group at Bundesblock
  • Focus: taxation of distributed ledger technology phenomena

Philipp Hornung

Specialist lawyer for tax law

  • Expert on taxation of cryptocurrencies and NFTs
  • (Tax) advisor for projects in the Metaverse
  • Focus: Taxes, NFTs, Metaverse

Prof. Dr. Philipp Maume

Professor of Law, TUM

  • Professor of Corporate and Capital Markets Law (Corporate Governance & Capital Markets) TUM School of Management, focus on the regulation of new technologies in the financial markets
  • Publications on crypto law, one of the managing editors of the Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR) (Journal for Banking and Capital Markets Law)
  • Areas of focus: Finance, law, secondary DAOs and NFTs.

Ricky Lamberty

Robert Bosch GmbH

  • Expert for digital assets & Web3 at Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Member of the Digital Finance Forum of the Federal Ministry of Finance
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Fetch.ai Foundation
  • Areas of focus: Web3 & Token Economy, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Digital Euro, Metaverse

Sarah Gottwald

Blockchain Founders Group

  • Managing Director of Blockchain Founders Group, promoting blockchain and web3 startups.
  • Podcast host and board member at ITSA (International Token Standardization Association)
  • Areas of focus: Venture Capital, Startups, Startup Building, Investing

Sarah Rentschler-Gerloff

DXC Technology

  • Co-Lead der Working group digital Euro
  • Head of Digital Assets & Custody at Think Tank Business Solutions, consulting and development of new business models and services in the financial industry based on DLT and Blockchain technology.
  • Areas of focus: Digital euro, business scaling, digital assets

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Omlor

Institute for the Law of Digitization, University of Marburg

  • Professorship for Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Banking Law and Comparative Law
  • Founding director of the Institute for the Law of Digitization (IRDi) at Philipps University Marburg
  • Management of the BMJ research project "Blockchain and Law".
  • Areas of focus: Corporate, banking and capital markets law

Steffen Jordan


  • Graduate economist with over 20 years of experience in the financial market
  • Co-founder of the consulting firm NOAA PARTNERS (advises companies on go-to-market and growth strategies)
  • Angel investor / early-stage investor with focus on DLT & DeFi

Steffen Schwalm


  • Senior Manager Digital Identity and Trust at msg
  • Participation in international standardization regarding DLT, SSI and security, e.g. in ISO, ETSI, CEN
  • Co-design of the European digital identity and trust framework (Large Scale Pilots and European Blockchain Infrastructure EBSI).
  • Areas of focus: Digital Identities, SSI, eIDAS (including QTSP Electronic Ledger), NFT, Metaverse, Legal Compliance & Security

Werner Hoffmann


  • Founder of Pekuna, expert on crypto taxation
  • Experience as a tax official, speaker and lecturer, focus on communicating and disseminating knowledge around blockchain and tax/regulatory issues.
  • Collaboration in the Working group taxes
  • Focus: taxation of crypto assets

Yannik Heinze

softstack GmbH

  • Co-Founder & CEO of softstack GmbH
  • Mentor of various Web3 Accelerator programs
  • Areas of focus: Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Web3 Software Development, Compliance & Security

Zsófia Vig

Legal Counsel, N26 Bank

  • Head of the Working group Finance
  • Consulting for the development of blockchain-based financial products
  • Author, course for the advanced training of specialist lawyers of the German Lawyers' Institute
  • Focus: finance, DAO, tokenization, NFT

FAQ Expert Advisory Board

The advisory board members distinguish themselves through outstanding expertise around blockchain, DLT and Web3, including especially from a legal perspective. For this purpose, there must be a connection to the Bundesblock, including, for example, involvement as an executive board member, in the working groups or the community, or long-standing corporate or founding members of the association. The advisory board is initially made up of selected experts, but it is also possible to apply for the expert advisory board. 

The experts provide their technical expertise for consultations upon request. Where appropriate, they support the working groups in the run-up to publications or by mentoring one or more groups
In addition, the Experts Board will be involved in the development of the Policy Advisory Board and Experts Board members may be asked to serve as speakers.

Expert board members receive free personal membership for the duration of their commitment (independent of corporate membership) and benefit from Member benefits.
Members of the board have the opportunity to contribute their expertise and help influence the direction and activities of the Blockchain Bundesverband. Experts are recognized as such on the website and are invited (depending on location) to political events on behalf of the Bundeblock.